You’ve probably heard similar things from your friends and family. Many people have different perspectives on the IELTS exam.
It can have a significant impact on your future. You don’t want to take a chance on your prospect after hearing such things. Right?
When it comes to the IELTS Speaking Exam, candidates take a step back to tackle this section. But keep in mind that if you have done your homework, you have nothing to worry about.
The IELTS Speaking strategy is essential for success. It will assist you in attempting this section without fear.
Your first response should be your best effort if it is spontaneous. That is why planning is essential.
Fluency vs Vocabulary
IELTS candidates are frequently perplexed by the need to maintain consistency between fluency and vocabulary. Both of these abilities have the same weight on the scorecard. With extreme dedication and practise, you can be prepared for the IELTS Speaking exam. It is preferable to be fluent during the exam rather than thinking about or worrying about the best word to use.
It will make a good impression on the examiner if you speak fluently. While speaking, look for only 2-3 unique words.
Don’t Speak Prepared Answers
Many IELTS candidates attempt to memorise the answers, as they do in school/college exams. However, it will not assist you. Because there are numerous possibilities for a random and unknowing topic in the cue card.
Speaking is also something that influences your spontaneity. It is not advisable to speak prepared responses. The examiner will immediately notice if you are repeating your response. This, in turn, would have a negative impact on your score.
Avoid Speaking in Monotone
Keep the listener’s attention by speaking naturally. To sound more fluent and interesting, vary your pitch at various points. Monotonic speech may appear less fluent.
Don’t Panic When You Make Mistakes
Yes, even if you make a mistake while speaking, it is perfectly fine. Mistakes happen when you speak too quickly or accidentally say the wrong word, so don’t be alarmed if this happens to you. It is beneficial to practise the IELTS Speaking test with a tutor or a friend.
Go for it if you are quick to correct your error. This will show that you are aware of what you are saying. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to correct your error. Simply move on.